Monday, May 31, 2010

Brooklyn Horror

I have just a few ornamental plants in the garden for color, but this is one of my favorites.

It's a coleus called "Brooklyn Horror". I've got it in a hanging basket with some trailing petunias and Goldilocks.  The contrasting foliage colors look fantastic!

Beans are fun!

They take forever to come up, but boy are they fun to watch!  Their thick beanstalks and huge leaves, even as they are just coming up out of the ground are so amazing!

I read on a gardening website to expect 2,400 beans for every 1 1/2 square feet of planted bean rows.  I'm starting to think maybe it was a mistake to plant 60 bean plants....

Hope my friends, co-workers and neighbors won't mind taking some off my hands later this summer!

My pollinators are stupid

These honeybees can't get enough of the pictures of flowers on the bags of dirt! Won't touch the flowers 2 feet away.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cantaloupe: Round 2

After the squirrel squishing of my last cantaloupe seedlings, I'm trying it again!

But a couple of days later, he's already chewed off the first set of leaves.  Doesn't seem to fancy the second set, though.  We'll see if this plant makes it!

Pea Shoots

Off to a late start due to a lack of planting space, the peas are now coming up in our new raised beds, built by my husband, Evan. Sauteed pea shoots are one of my favorite dishes at our local Chinese restaurant, but I'll resist eating them!

They send out delicate little tendrils that wave in the wind until they find something to grab onto.  

 I have to keep an eye on them daily, though, or they easily grab onto their neighbors instead of climbing the trelis.  Once they wrap themselves around another plant several times, there's no separating the two without hurting someone!